Category: Tech news

A SharePoint dev company

Lions clubs teens coding course

We will keep spending out time, effort and skillset to help teaching teens for coding with HK Lions Clubs

2022-11-05 0

Gitlab + Gitpod is a very good online coding environment

Gitpod can view our nodes base project by an online visual studio code editor. Going to integrate it with Quantr Docs.

2020-12-05 0

Microsoft Teams event

Microsoft invited us to demo our Teams-To-IMs integration solution, lots of big clients in there. We are getting more focus on Teams and integrate it into our SharePoint solution.

2020-01-19 0

Outlook addins dev webinar

I will hold a webinar, teaching people about developing outlook addins. Leave your name if you join.

2019-12-23 0

SharePoint Virtual Summit showcases growth, innovations and customer success

Today’s post was written by Jeff Teper, corporate vice president for OneDrive, SharePoint and Office. Today, during the SharePoint Virtual Summit, we unveiled the latest innovations for SharePoint and OneDrive, including powerful integrations across Office 365, Windows and Azure. These developments build upon the vision we unveiled last year, and have been delivering on since, with…
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2017-09-13 0

SharePoint communication sites begin rollout to Office 365 customers

During last month’s SharePoint Virtual Summit, we unveiled SharePoint communication sites—beautiful, dynamic sites that let you reach a broad internal audience, and that look great on the web, in the SharePoint mobile app, on PC and on Mac. Today, we’re excited to announce that communication sites are now rolling out to Office 365 First Release customers, followed…
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2017-09-13 0