
A SharePoint dev company

Lions clubs teens coding course

We will keep spending out time, effort and skillset to help teaching teens for coding with HK Lions Clubs

2022-11-05 0

Study group

We spend 1-2 hours a week to study together, everyone has to leave computer and stay on the books

2021-02-10 0

Gitlab + Gitpod is a very good online coding environment

Gitpod can view our nodes base project by an online visual studio code editor. Going to integrate it with Quantr Docs.

2020-12-05 0

SharePoint goes 3D

Having a 3D space in SharePoint is funny

2020-11-06 0

SharePoint E-Library design

Build a tailor-made E-library for customer, enrich the search features

2020-04-28 1

Multi-language publishing model finally arrived

I love this new feature: Multi-language publishing model, it finally arrive in March to SharePoint Online

2020-04-15 0

Adaptive Cards 1.2 are GA in Microsoft Teams

Today, we’re pleased to announce the GA of Adaptive Cards 1.2 in Microsoft Teams on desktop and mobile! With the 1.2 release, we’ve enabled highly requested features such as RichText blocks, visibility toggles, and inline text buttons, and more styles and formatting options. These features come together to further enhance interactivity and developer support. Cards…
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2020-02-26 0

Apache superset with SharePoint

2020/02/24 monday 10:30pm i will show how to use Apache Superset to build a open source dashboard, join if you wish

2020-02-23 0

Microsoft Teams event

Microsoft invited us to demo our Teams-To-IMs integration solution, lots of big clients in there. We are getting more focus on Teams and integrate it into our SharePoint solution.

2020-01-19 0

PowerBI tutorial


2019-12-24 0

Outlook addins dev webinar

I will hold a webinar, teaching people about developing outlook addins. Leave your name if you join.

2019-12-23 0

Our Research Team

Our office 365 research team, our goal is pushing the integrations between o365/azure/d365 to the limit. If you want to join, please contact So far our team member look their eyes open at all the latest news of SharePoint/Azure/PowerApps/Teams/PowerBI/Dynamics 365, but this is not enough, we need more team member to go deeper in…
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2019-12-18 1

SharePoint Online retrieve list items as a stream

We can use the SharePoint RenderListDataAsStream API to fetch lookup and single managed metadata field values, instead of returning an index number only.

2019-12-09 0

SharePoint enhanced its version history UI

SharePoint is releasing a new version history capability that will enable translators to visualize the differences between any two versions of a page in order to easily translate content as needed.

2019-11-17 0

SharePoint open source project bring me Sense of success

I think my Java SharePoint library at least helping people

2019-11-05 0

First try Tableau with SharePoint Online

We have been using Microsoft PowerBI to build dashboard and report based on SharePoint list. Now we tried Tableau out, I have two lists on SharePoint, first one is storing gitlab project information, which has 2,355 records. Second list is storing git commits information, which has 135,467 records. When i start connect Tableau to SharePoint,…
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2019-10-19 0

PowerBI Refresh on-demand available

PowerBI support schedule refresh for years. Now on-demand refresh has come, we can build workflow on Microsoft Flow and manually refresh the PowerBI dataset, that mean you can update your PowerBI report data anytime, it is a great help to us, thanks Microsoft

2019-10-16 0